Rise Of Mythos Wiki
Doom Rider
Version 1.1-1.3
Race Undead normal icon Undead
Type Death Knight
Damage Type Shadow Shadow
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The Doom Rider is a behemoth of health, and possesses a more potent Accursed than its predecessor, in exchange for a higher countdown.

On Awakening, it gains more health and an enhanced Heavy Cavalry and Spellfeed.

Card Details
Rank CD Attack Health Ability Ability

Star3 6 1 11 Heavy Cavalry 1
Spellfeed 1
Accursed 2
Star4 6 2 13 *See above
Star5 6 3 14 Heavy Cavalry 1
Spellfeed 1
Accursed 3
Star6 6 4 18 *See above
Star7 6 4 19 Heavy Cavalry 2
Spellfeed 2
Accursed 3

*NOTE: Fields that contain the text *See above means the effect remains the same until said otherwise.
